By rising abruptly, mortgage rates bared their claws this week, putting an end to three months of docility.
The benchmark 30-year fixed-rate mortgage rose 21 basis points, to 5.45 percent, according to the Bankrate.com national survey of large lenders. A basis point is one-hundredth of 1 percentage point. The mortgages in this week's survey had an average total of 0.41 discount and origination points. One year ago, the mortgage index was 6.02 percent; four weeks ago, it was 5.23 percent.
The benchmark 15-year fixed-rate mortgage rose 12 basis points, to 4.86 percent. The benchmark 5/1 adjustable-rate mortgage declined 2 basis points, to 4.94 percent.
It actually was worse than that.
Because of its timing, Bankrate's weekly survey didn't capture the entire rate increase. The survey is conducted Wednesday mornings. Rates began rising Tuesday afternoon and continued going up Wednesday morning while the survey was being conducted. Mortgage bond yields -- and with them, rates -- accelerated Wednesday afternoon after the survey data had been collected.
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